We have all experienced loss. Sometimes it's the loss of a person, sometimes it's the loss of an experience, a moment, a city, an object, or an opportunity. Losses are part of life. It sucks I know. But this is the way it goes. With every loss, there is a gain. It might not feel like it at the time but we learn something from each and every experience - even the losses.
Please join the discussion. We will hear from 4 women as they tell their personal stories. This is not about being cured or past the loss. Sometimes they are still in the middle of it. This is a judgment-free convHERsation. There will also be a Q&A portion of the evening. And if you want to just listen, that is ok too.
For the Facebook invite - please click here.
To buy tickets - please click here.
$5 in advance - $10 at the door