"Should I? Hmmm, maybe not. Well, ok I should. But what about...? Nah, it'll be fine. On the other hand, maybe not."
Have you ever had that conversation with yourself? I like to call it the ping-pong match in our head. Or maybe it's like a hamster in a wheel that keeps going round and round. Have you ever done so much overthinking that it mentally exhausts you and then you have no desire to physically do the thing you were debating about doing because you talked yourself out of it? Yeah, I've been there. WE all have been there. For many of us overthinking is the norm. We spend so much time thinking that when it comes to taking ACTION, we have nothing left in us.
Let's talk about this. Let's figure this out together. Please join the judgment-free convHERsation. We will also hear from 4 different women as they share their personal story on this topic. All women that speak are regular, everyday, extraordinary women.
And a special segment by Kira Elliott Macoun
This is a judgment-free convHERsation. There will also be a Q&A portion of the evening. And if you want to just listen, that is ok too.
This is a safe space to hear different sides of the story.
What else happens at the ABOUT WOMEN events?
The ABOUT WOMEN monthly events have been going strong since April 2014! What up! 5 years! Each month we gather together to support one another. UNITE NOT UNTIE. We listen. We motivate. If you’re looking for incredible energy - this is the place to be!
These events are unique. It's kind of like a support group for being a woman. It's a place to not feel alone. It's also a networking event in disguise. I say "in disguise" because it's not like other networking events where the first thing you talk about is your job. We talk about being human beings and our struggles and our awesomeness and then sometimes our jobs are talked about. It's a place to connect. To find other women that get it. We laugh. Sometimes we even cry. And that's ok. Because this is a safe space. Questions are asked to the audience and we have a group convHERsation. Sometimes the women in the audience ask questions too. Of course, you don't have to answer if you don't want. No one will ever make you speak. It's casual. It's comfortable. It's motivational. Oh, there’s NO BULLSHIT!
$10 in advance (Online sales end at 1:00pm on day of event)
$15 at the door (cash and credit cards accepted)
$50 - if you’re interested in purchasing ALL 2019 monthly ABOUT WOMEN events - please click here and the $50 will cover May - Dec 2019 monthly events.
Upstairs of Pizzeria Serio - 1708 W. Belmont, Chicago
Food and drinks available for purchase
15% off for all ABOUT WOMEN attendees
Gluten-free options - including pizza
Please click here to buy tickets.
Please click here for the Facebook invitation.
Also - for those that got this invite - this event is open to ALL WOMEN and WOMEN-IDENTIFIED - so please share this event with your lady friends. The more women that come, the sooner we can change the world - for the better. THANK YOU! And please know we love men. Men are great! This is not an anti-men event. This event is ABOUT WOMEN and creating a space for us. THANK YOU!